A new member of Theresia Orchestra is going to tell us about him and his experience in the orchestra. Let’s meet Pietro Battistoni, violinist at Theresia Orchestra. Where are you from and where are you studying/working right now? I am from Verona, Italy. I am currently studying at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, The Netherlands, where […]

A new member of Theresia Orchestra is going to tell us about him and his experience in the orchestra. Let’s meet Pietro Battistoni, violinist at Theresia Orchestra.

Where are you from and where are you studying/working right now?
I am from Verona, Italy. I am currently studying at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, The Netherlands, where I live since 2017.

How did you get to know about Theresia and how long you’ve been a member for?
I heard about the auditions for the Theresia Orchestra for the first time in 2015. It was the first year in which I was approaching the historical violin, I almost didn’t have any clue of what I was going to do, but I decided anyway to give it a try. The committee answer me to try again the following year, and that’s what I did. But again the same response. Finally, after my third attempt I got accepted and since then I joined Theresia Orchestra for four amazing years.

How was the experience so far?
Simply great. With Theresia I got the opportunity to performe in a professional orchestra as I never had the chance to do before, in the HIP world. It’s a croassroad where people from all over the world is eager to share their energy and passion for this music, inspired by great coaches. Moreover, Theresia has been like a big family in these past years and every time I feel at home.

Do you have a favorite ‘moment’ or project that you can share with us?
One of the best moment for me has been the last concert we played in January 2020 in Verona. Having the possibility to performe the music you love, in the theatre of your city, with such amazing collegues it’s just priceless and I enjoyed every minute of it.

What do you like about Theresia?
It’s vision, first of all. Theresia is a community in which the deep musicological work and the historical informed approach to this repertoire become transfigured in a sincerely passionate and energetic performance, always open to new sperimentations and to different challanges.
I like that in Theresia it’s given space and freedom to all of the musicians to join this process and to bring in it their personal point of view, skills and experience.

How did your passion for period instruments begin? Do you also play modern
My passion for period instruments grew in relation with my passion for the repertoire of the XVII century. After I graduated in modern violin in 2011, I realized that in order to play that kind of music the skills and the instrument I had were not adequate. So when I started to play the baroque violin my goal was being able to play that repertoire. Then I started to look from a different angle also the repertoire of the XVIII and XIX century (that I already
knew from my studies with the modern violin) and it changes to my eyes completely. I still play modern violin, specially contemporary music, not as often as I would like, I must say.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Would you rather be a soloist,an orchestra
member or have your own chamber ensemble?

In 5 years I see myself back in Italy. I would love above all to be member of an orchestra, because for me it’s one of the most powerful and rewarding experience for a musician, but at the same time I would like to keep performing also chamber music. I think it’s essential to work on both aspect in order to keep alive and always fresh not only the technical skills but also the approach towards an active role, every time that I make music together with
other people.

I would love also to continue my personal projects of musicological research and soloistic