Orchestra Residency 42 – Innsbruck

Aug 12, 2023 - Aug 18, 2023
Innsbruck, Austria
Christophe Rousset

Theresia Orchestra is set to revive a Tommaso Traetta’s oratorio “Rex Salomon” in a new collaboration with Christophe Rousset. The final concert on 18 August is the culmination of a weeklong residency at the Innsbruck Early Music Festival exploring a new edition of the oratorio by our Scientific Advisor Simone Laghi.

Like its very first performance on 15 August in 1766, Theresia is joined by a cast of exclusively female singers Suzanne Jerosme, Marie-Eve Munger, Eleonora Bellocci, Grace Durham, Magdalene Pluta and the Tyrolean vocal ensemble NovoCanto. And a world premiere recording will be made for future release on the German CPO label.


Tommaso Traetta Rex Salomon, Oratorio (research and edition by Simone Laghi)