Let’s meet a new cellist in Theresia: Charlotte Gulikers. Charlotte has turned 24 the last August, and she celebrated her birthday in a very nice way, musically speaking, playing with Theresia during the concert held in Milan the 15thof August. Charlotte Gulikers is from the Netherlands and lives in Amsterdam, where she is attending a […]

Let’s meet a new cellist in Theresia: Charlotte Gulikers.

Charlotte has turned 24 the last August, and she celebrated her birthday in a very nice way, musically speaking, playing with Theresia during the concert held in Milan the 15thof August.

Charlotte Gulikers is from the Netherlands and lives in Amsterdam, where she is attending a master’s in modern cello: “Six years ago I moved to Amsterdam to start studying the modern cello. I finished my bachelor’s and I stayed in Amsterdam to join a master’s in modern cello with cellist Pieter Wispelwey. I’m attending my last year now.”

And what about the historical cello? When and how did you start to study it?

“Before beginning my bachelor studies, I had lessons in Den Haag with Lucia Swarts. She really inspired me with her recordings on historical instruments and her knowledge about historical performance. When I moved to Amsterdam, I saw the opportunity to learn baroque cello as well as the modern cello, so I took lessons in baroque cello during my whole bachelor studies.”

What did you like of the baroque cello when you first played it?

“I loved the sound: it is richer, more detailed, with much more colors. It is mainly due to the gut strings, but also the bow matters. For example, I had never used the classical bow before joining Theresia, and it has been, and continue to be, a great experience.”

Let’s talk about Theresia: how did you decide to join and how has it gone so far?

“I heard about the auditions thank to an e-mail that my school sent me: I was experimenting with the baroque instrument and it seemed like a good chance to take. I participated at the auditions in February, and I was accepted. I started with a first project in June in Mantua with Claudio Astronio and then in July I joined a second project in Genève with Chiara Banchini. In August I took my third project with Theresia, a quite long one. We first studied for a concert in Milan which took place on the 15thof August, then we had more days to record a CD and held a second concert on 22nd of August: usually when you play at concerts, the projects come to an end: instead, that time was like having more time to rehearse and get better.”

Which were the things you appreciated most of the August residency?

“As I told, the fact that it was so long. I also appreciated the people around me in the orchestra. It was one of my first projects and I was amazed by the kindness and the motivation of all orchestra members. I felt immediately comfortable and the atmosphere was always warm and friendly.  It was also fun and refreshing to play some music that I never heard before, all from the composer Joseph Kraus.”

What are your future plans with Theresia? Are you going to perform in some of the next projects?

“I will perform in many projects of Theresia in 2020 and 2021. My next project will be in January, when we will play Mozart’s ‘Jupiter’ Symphony. I’m looking forward to play this fantastic music with great friends and musicians!”

Which are your future plans in general?

“This is a very difficult question to answer. Two years ago, I had no idea of playing in an international classical orchestra like Theresia. I understood that there was an audition for it, and I got suddenly very excited to do that. For sure I have plans to continue playing in orchestras, maybe with the historical cello and as well with the modern cello. Besides orchestra, I will try to play a lot of chamber music, something I would love to do for the rest of my life. Also, since few years I teach to some cello students! I like teaching and I think it’s important for every musician to share their knowledge with the next generation, so the general plan would be a mix of everything, in any case… Let’s see where the music will take me.”