Meet Theresia: Laura Lovisa

By Emilia Campagna - November 21, 2015
"Theresia per me: divertente, passionale e formativa"

Questa sera sarà sul palco del Teatro Alle vigne di Lodi (e domani all’Auditorium Pollini di Padova) con Theresia Youth Baroque Orchestra e avrà una parte da solista assieme a Klaudia Matlak, Agnieszka Papierska e Maria Misiarz nella Sinfonia Concertante C44 di Johann Christian Bach. Laura Lovisa, con l’orchestra dal 2013, ci racconta la sua esperienza con Theresia.

Tonight she’ll be on the stage with Theresia Youth Baroque Orchestra, in particular she’ll be soloist toghether with Klaudia Matlak, Agnieszka Papierska and Maria Misiarz performing Simphonie Concertante C44 by Johann Christian Bach. We met Laura Lovisa, who has been playing with Theresia since 2013, and she told us about her experience.


Chiara Banchini: spazio ai giovani talenti di Theresia

By Emilia Campagna - November 20, 2015
Chiara Banchini racconta il programma dei prossimi concerti

Abbiamo incontrato Chiara Banchini per farci raccontare il programma dei concerti a Lodi (il 21 novembre per l’inaugurazione degli Amici della Musica “A. Schmid”) e Padova (22 novembre nell’ambito di Musikè). Un programma che corrisponde all’inesauribile curiosità di Chiara Banchini, ed esprime la sua voglia di valorizzare compositori poco eseguiti (come il caso di Boccherini) e dare spazio ai giovani talenti: al centro del programma vi è infatti la Sinfonia Concertante C44 di Johann Christian Bach, e soliste saranno alcune musiciste di Theresia: la flautista Laura Lovisa, le violiniste Klaudia Matlak e Agnieszka Papierska e la violioncellista Maria Misiarz.

We met Chiara Banchini and asked her to tell us about the program of the concert that TYBO will do in Lodi and Padua. The music chosen reflects Chiara Banchini’s endless curiosity, and expresses her wish to enhance rarely performed composers and give space to young talented musicians. At the heart of the program there is Simphonie Concertante C44 by Johann Christian Bach: the four soloist are all TYBO musicians: Laura Lovisa (flute), Klaudia Matlak and Agnieszka Papierska (violin) and Maria Misiarz (cello).

Opening music: J. Ch. Bach, Sinfonia Concertante C44 (rehearsal)

More than a Symphony, more than a Concerto: J.C. Bach and the “symphonie concertante”

By Emilia Campagna - November 14, 2015
At the heart of our next performance there is the Symphony Concertante C44 by Johann Christian Bach. It was Chiara Banchini herself to choose to perform this piece with Theresia; and it was Chiara Banchini to pick out the soloists (Klaudia Matlak, Agnieszka Papierska, Laura Lovisa and Maria Misiarz) from the orchestra. Let us introduce […]

At the heart of our next performance there is the Symphony Concertante C44 by Johann Christian Bach. It was Chiara Banchini herself to choose to perform this piece with Theresia; and it was Chiara Banchini to pick out the soloists (Klaudia Matlak, Agnieszka Papierska, Laura Lovisa and Maria Misiarz) from the orchestra.

Let us introduce you this special genre: not a Symphony, non just a concert for solo and orchestra, the symphonie concertante is a French form that evolved in Paris around 1750 essentially replacing the then outdated Baroque concerto grosso; composers active in the genre were overwhelmingly French. Usually parsed out in three movements – though Bach sometimes uses two – the Symphonie Concertante is very close to the form of multiple concerto where at least two or more soloists are featured in addition to the orchestra. The symphonie concertante is different from the concerto because the soloists advance melodic material and participate in moving along the development schemes, functioning as in a symphony, rather than performing a single, showy musical part in the manner of a concerto. The symphonie concertante was most popular at a time when public concerts were becoming all the rage and it was advantageous to get as many star soloists out in front of the band as possible. It was all but dead by 1820, killed by the advent of touring virtuosos who always preferred to fly solo, not to mention the rise of the “cult of the individual” arriving in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars.

Bach composed at least 15 symphonie concertante, which places him roughly third in the overall output in the genre after Giuseppe Maria Cambini (82!) and Carl Stamitz (38). They were composed in two batches; one for the Concerts Spirituel in Paris, the home of the symphonie concertante, boasting an orchestra led by the great violinist Chevalier de Saint-Georges, and the other for the Bach/Abel concerts in London, of which Bach himself was co-leader. While the form may be French, Bach’s style is Italo-German, informed by his studies with Padre Martini, his brother Carl Philip Emanuel Bach, and with his father. J.C Bach’s Symphonie Concertante, with their multiples of instruments talking back and forth over short stretches of music, maintain a kind of stylistic universality even as the instrumental timbres are constantly shifting around. The effect is often kaleidoscopic and adds considerable depth and dimension to Bach’s tightly constructed music and its hard-won subtleties.

Con Chiara Banchini, Theresia “concertante”

By Emilia Campagna - November 10, 2015
Uno sguardo al programma dei prossimi concerti

Si sono appena spenti i riflettori sul set del film Zoroastro e già Theresia è pronta per un nuovo stage e nuovi concerti. L’orchestra sarà a Lodi dal 16 al 21 novembre per lavorare nuovamente con Chiara Banchini dopo l’entusiasmante esperienza della scorsa estate a Dobbiaco e preparerà un nuovo programma che verrà eseguito sabato 21 a Lodi e domenica 22 a Padova.

Per l’occasione, Chiara Banchini ha scelto un programma che prosegue il lavoro fatto nei mesi scorsi, riproponendo l’Ouverture dall'”Isola Disabitata” di Haydn e tornando ad affrontare Boccherini, questa volta con la Sinfonia in re maggiore op. 42: il repertorio di Theresia si arricchisce dunque ulteriormente nell’approfondimento dei lavori del compositore italiano, di cui ha già eseguito in precedenti concerti l’Ouverture in re maggiore op. 43, la Sinfonia in do minore op, 41 e Sinfonia n. 27 in re maggiore G520.

E non manca naturalmente l’attenzione alla famiglia Bach: orchestra votata al classicismo, Theresia da sempre esploira il repertorio dei Bach “figli”, e in questa occasione ha in programma la Sinfonia in mi minore Wq 178 di Carl Philip Emanuel Bach e la Sinfonia concertante in mi maggiore per flauto, due violini, violoncello e orchestra C 44 di Johann Christian. Quest’ultima pagina è stata fortemente voluta da Chiara Banchini per valorizzare la dimensione “concertante” di Theresia: nella migliore tradizione dell’orchestra, le quattro musiciste impegnate nelle parti solistiche sono infatti tutte componenti di Theresia: Laura Lovisa al flauto, Agnieszka Papierska e Klaudia Matlak al violino, Maria Misiarz al violoncello.