Meet Theresia: Agata Magdziak
Let’s meet a new member of the orchestra: Agata Madziak, violinist at Theresia from Poland.
Where are you from and where are you studying/working right now?
I am from Poland, I study and live here now. I graduated from the Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań two years ago. Besides studying music I have always been into literary studies and linguistics, that’s why during my master I started bachelor of Polonistics simultaneously at the Adam Mickiewicz University. Today I continue master in the field of Polish philology at the Univeristy of Rzeszów. As a violinist I am freelance musician right now, still looking for opportunities to engage in valuable orchestral projects in which I could develop myself further and Theresia is the important one.
How did you get to know about Theresia?
Many of my Polish friends already did Theresia. They have always been talking warmly about the orchestra, not only about the musical aspect, but also about wonderful and colorful people creating it. They encouraged me to join the „Polish mafia of Theresia”. Since I have known about the idea and philosophy of that orchestra I knew I would love to be part of it. The only question was: when would it happen? And now, in 2020, here I am.
How was the experience so far?
It has been wonderful experience! I feel really grateful and honoured to be the part of such a great orchestra and to be surrounded by absolutely the best HIP musicians of young generation. I learned a lot from them as well as from the tutors. The musical leading of Alfredo Bernardini during the concerts in Milano and Mantova (preceded by a residency in Lodi) was one of the most mind opening experiences I have ever had.
What do you like about Theresia?
I like the atmosphere of companionship, support, exchange of ideas but the perspectives the most . From the musical point of view, I had never had so many opportunities to play classical repertoire, especially that milestones of music – huge pieces like the late symphonies of Mozart or Haydn. In my professional musical life I had never played music later than Beetohven’s before, so I can’t wait to rehearse his string quartet with gut strings, what will happen in February!
How did your passion for period instruments begin? Do you also play modern violin?
I was playing modern violin until finishing high school, but no more. Straight after the final exams I converted totally into historical performance on period instruments, so I didn’t study modern violin, which is quite rare in HIP society. It could happen, because I was introduced in early music, long time before I started learning the violin in a music school. At the age of 5 I was admitted to the youth early music group Scholares Minores pro Musica Antiqua as… an acrobat. Apart from playing and singing mostly renaissance music, the group performed also historical dances, including acrobatics. It was there where my learning to play the violin started. I was a member of the group for almost 20 years, sang a lot of renaissance polyphony, played the violin, vielle, viola tha gamba and even few of renaissance wind instruments. The knowledge about the music, even earlier than baroque, and contact with the old court dances gave me a lot of support in understanding many musical issues during my historical violin studies.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Would you rather be a soloist, an orchestra member or have your own chamber ensemble?
I would like to work for the cultural environment I live in right now. I find local initiatives very important and I think, that improving the cultural offer of my own place could give me a lot of satisfaction. Being a soloist is not in my nature, so in a few years I would rather set up a chamber group and cooperate with specialist from literature, art, philosophy and musicology to create a cycle of performances placed in a kind of holistic, humanistic perspective.